Saturday, May 19, 2007

The Quiet

How do you spend your quiet time alone? I spend many hours alone with my thoughts. By my nature, I like to organize and keep track of my thoughts, recipes, etc. so do a lot of that. I write a bit and hope someday to publish a small book/pamphlet about our life together.
Phone calls are always welcome, read voraciously, love reading blogs and have formed some close relationships. I dream and remember.

So what do you do?


Anonymous said...

Do not have much time to myself.
But I do manaage to find time for
prayer, thankful for all my blessings, good and bad. Love to
read, knit, write letters (with pen
and paper!!!!)

JeanMac said...

Your mention of knitting reminded me of a baby sweater I made (before we had children) and it's still in a box in the pieces as couldn't figure out how to knit zthem together.

Unknown said...

Now that I am alone, I have too much quiet time. I like to paint(watercolor and acrylic), knit, read, crochet, and of course computer. I just wish I could get the energy and the push to get at all the above, I do spend time on the computer. I also like gardening, but really need a push in that direction also. I am so thankful for friends and family that keep in touch with me.

Trish said...

For quiet time, I like to take a walk, or just sit and listen to the wind blow and the birds sing. I also enjoy playing the piano when it is quiet and no one is around, then I don't have to worry about the noise bothering anyone. I love to read the Bible when it is quiet, too.