Monday, November 5, 2018

Socks - - -

 So I was browsing around Ross store for glass pumpkins when up popped a package of six tennis socks - for $3.99!

Can they be of any quality at all? Well, forgot mine so we shall see - one gets surprised at times.

Since I haven’t up;oalded pics or posted recently, I forget how to load pics from my cell but I’ll figure it out. In the meanwhile, no pictures.

Monday, October 15, 2018

Friends, past and future

  It’s 5:25am, can’t sleep so decided to “try” blogging again.

Every day I think of my blogging friends and feel guilty that I dropped out of sight.

It’s funny how I’d go to post and nothing would “come” - kind of like now:)

Anyway, there is lots to write about and I’ll do my best to update - but first I have to find your blogs and read to catch up.

Love to all, Jean