Wednesday, March 14, 2007

I know 2 families who left their Christmas trees up til after Valentine's last year (06). Thought it was kind of cool they'd tell me. My idea of perfection is to roll it fully decorated into the guest room and roll it back out next year. Cover it so you forget the details of how it was decorated.

I'm a real nut. I love "doing" such as baking, cooking, washing clothes and decorating but I don't enjoy "un-doing". When the DW stops, if I don't get at it right away, moan and groan. When he installed one in '74 as a surprise I was furious! My way of thinking was only "lazy" women had DW- now only lazy ones hate to empty it- but I love to fill it!

Am trying to live by my NY resolution: Do not handle anything twice. It really works and I've had great success as long as I apply it. My kitchen sparkles and the counter tops are bare of clutter. My cleaning closet is/stayed organised. One thing which really slows me down is that I am not only "putting" away but permanently sorting. This slows the process to a near halt as I decide on what what happens to something. I refuse to touch it twice. Now it's gardening season so---well, almost. Sorry, Elaine:)


Anonymous said...

Amazing how women operate!!!!!I love to wash clothes and hang them
outside on the clothes line. Love
the smell of the sheets after they
have been waving in the wind. My
mother has deterined that my aged
mind has slippped a cog or two
because I iron!!!!!Come from a
German background where tablecloths
were on the kitchen table,the dining room, the eat towels (linen)
were ironed and I follow the old
way and delight in this time to
myself and the fresh lines on the
ironing board.

JeanMac said...

Yeah,I understand! Also, I have to fold towels exactly how Mom did and never "seam side out". She was the consummate housekeeper and the envy of her friends. Funny how these things stick. I used to iron my bras in '64 I think now they'd melt as are acrylic or lycra or whatever:)

Anonymous said...

I used to iron my bras as well...they were cotton and then
folded them so that once on the body and a garment went overtop, all
came to quite a point. I crack
up just thinking about it....

JeanMac said...

"memories are made of this"