Thursday, March 1, 2007

"Our" Moon Tonight

It's cool here tonight, about -1C We are wimpy. Anyway, thought you may enjoy the view from my computer. Went outside to take these and made it snappy. In my defense, I didn't have a jacket on.
To those of you who know how to take pics properly, why the streak- did I move the camera? Actually, it's kind of pretty. It always amazes me that everyone sees the same moon on this vast Earth. There actually is a bright star(?) to the upper right of the moon but I guess it doesn't show. This is the end of our back yard. Hope you all are seeing a full moon, also.


Trish said...

What a beautiful moon! I love looking up at the night sky. Yes, it is neat that we all see the same moon at night!

JeanMac said...

Hey, are you OK?