My story is a bit late as it's about Mark's and Brian's births. Anyway, on the evening of April 6th Shirl phoned me and said I'd better get going and have that baby by midnight as she wanted him born on her birthday- uh, that gives me 2 hours, dear. Her reply, you can do it! Well, she definitely set the wheels in motion and I was in labor at 1 a.m. (bless your heart). So Mark and I did our best but needed til 8:13 a.m. to get the job done.
I knew "something was up" because I baked a cherry pie on April 6th and didn't want any - this after being restricted to 1500 calories for the last 4 months. Something definitely was about to happen.
The night before I had Brian, I was restless and my Man said he had an idea! I'll teach you to play chess! Game for anything, I got down on the carpet and we set the chess table between us. I think I resembled a Rubik cube at that stage. "Surprisingly" my mind was not on chess and to this day all I remember is the guy with the "slit" in his head moves diagonally. Oh, well, it was too brainy a game for me anyway.
A P.S. Both guys play chess ~~~
That's a funny story, about the chess game! My kids and I play "Cheskers"...We have a chess game but we don't know how to play it, so we just move the guys around like checkers, jumping each other and getting "kinged"...its goofy, but fun!
Do you play Snakes n Ladders- I still love it! we have tons of games and usually at Christmas someone is playing something.
Hope it's sunny in your corner of the world- we have sun here- Going in to shirl's today so i'll take the Lp and let her look at things!
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