Wonder what you ladies pay for bedding plants - ours are $1.39 for a group of 4 very small plants.I bought a few for my front door pots and all my tomatoes plants, peppers.
It was so nice to patronize the Japanese family we've known since '74! They were so happy to see us and no one else was in the greenhouse at that time so we "caught up". Their daughters went to school with our sons for 12 years. Being they had never met my Man, it was special to all of us.
Well, the "babies" are resting comfortably in the garage til tomorrow. My spike winter killed so I have to get another - other wise I could have planted today - what a dummy!!!
We paid $1.09 for three eggplant
pots....The same for the peppers.
We save seeds from our tomatoes,
zinnias, marigolds, from the previous year and then plant the
following spring. Seed packets,
for broccoli, lettuce, radish, cabbage, green beans, wax beans,
herbs run about .89 to l.l9 per
When do you start your tom plants?
We put them directly into the ground early April, then cover the
bed with plastic (greenhouse effect). On very warm days, we
lift the plasticon both ends, so
air can flow through, and at night
enclose again. Tomatoes are up.
Once they are 6 inches tall we
transfer them to the garden and immediately put cages around them.
We built our own with rebar....2 feet in circumference and 5 feet tall). The tomatoes usually grow
a foot above the cage. We start picking them mid July all the way
through frost.
Sorry, can't comment yet as I haven't priced them
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