Very warm out but that's nice. We are going to the store to buy picnic food - tomorrow we'll drive 1/2 hour North and picnic at a park we like. I'll take pics. Hope you all had a great day.
I ended my gardening day on a funny note- walked into the sprinkler - didn't see it as sun was in my eyes - it soaked my pants and woke me up really fast. Oh, yes.
I really enjoy the pics,you always do such a nice job posting them.
You know, Kim, you are such a dear.I love my hubby to death and of course, we are trying to live a normal life as he has Alzheimer's.But he is such a dear person.
Jean did you get a picture of the wet clothes? A picnic sounds so nice, and your weather is so good. It is supposed to be sunny towards the end of this week - it can't come soon enough.
Enjoy your times together, you are doing a wonderful job of showing your love for your hubby and I know that he appreciates your time with him.
Have a wonderful picnic tomorrow! How funny -- about the sprinkler! What was that club we had? Sounds like an initiation ritual for the WWC :-)
now you have an idea for initiation!
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