Tuesday, May 8, 2007

The Letter "V"

I don't know how to make those nice fancy letters but here is my list:

Verbose - me

Vista - on new computer- I like it OK

Vacations - Love them

Veterans - honor them

Vacuum - a wonderful invention - when used:)

Vibrant - all ladies the I've met blogging

Vegetables - love 'em

Violets - a special flower

Vaccine - thank goodness for scientists

Verily - I love this word

Vim/vigor - what I'm not full of!


Unknown said...

Now you've got me thinking -- good for you. Sometimes I feel that I am in limbo or something.

Vernon: My oldest son. Also a nice place in BC to visit.

Vote: What we do every four years or so to decide on our government.

Variety: is the spice of life.

Varnish: a finish on wood, one that I don't like putting on.

Vow: Agreements that we made on our wedding day.

Vigor: something that I wish I had more of.

Vault: where I would keep all my jewels if I had any.

Anonymous said...

vague....my mind has been known to
be fuzzy

valet...would be nice to have one
(once in a while)

veranda...lovely spot to sit,
watch the world go by, wave at
neighbours, hang lovely baskets
of flowers

velvet...a luxurious feeling

vanilla....love the smell in
my house

verve...something Jean is full of