I forgot about learning the different parts of plants in school - I was a memory person. Give me facts to learn. Cold, hard facts. That's why I studied the sciences.
Biology and chem were 2 of my favorite courses.
What was your favorite(s)?
Bits of This 'n That So Come Sit Awhile
Guess we had the same genes...for me Biology, too(those cold, hard facts), but also English(creative writing)...conflict?!
I would rise at 0300h the day of an exam, have all the information etched on my brain by 0730, and ace the thing, of course.
Downside: Within days I could easily wipe that same 'slate' clean...AND just as efficiently! (grin)
You should blog- you have lots of stories to tell us and a flair for doing so!
I always liked Home Ec the best, guess it was because I always wanted to be a wife and mom. I thought Algebra was OK also.
Oh, Elaine, you reminded me about Home Ec class in Grade 9 - I will blog about it!
I loved history, English Lit an
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