Sunday, July 22, 2007

Cookies, Candy and Beef Buns

There's not much to eat at the Halifax airport - especially at 5:30 am. We departed Halifax at 7 am so were very hungry once on board. I think we bought muffins or something. Not very filling.

Anyway, got chatting with a nice young fellow who told us he had attended his uncle's funeral and was headed home now. Wife couldn't come along due to the expense. He kept rustling around in a paper bag and offered to share his cookies and candy. Hmmm - anyway, see the food cart headed our way and asked if he wanted a bun or something. Westjet charges but that's Ok. He said he was Ok as had "leftovers" from the funeral luncheon - those cookies and candies, I suspected.

I ordered 3 beef buns and silently handed him one - he devoured it while mumbling a grateful "thanks" - So glad I did that cause you never know if you'll offend.

1 comment:

Kim said...

That was very nice of you to offer that young man something to eat. I'm sure you were a great blessing to him and because of this simple jester you'll most likely always have a place in his memories.