Very busy around here these days so I made a batch of spaghetti. A big batch. Then I thought, no protein, we'll be hungry. So added a piece of meatloaf. When I got the meatloaf, I saw the chili. So supper was spaghetti, a small pc. of meatloaf a la chili.
Had a small salad and we're set for a bit:)
Does anyone else mix it up like that - well, I know it won't be quite that mixed!
Your mix sounds good - 3 of my favorite things!
Hi Laura - we're doing renovations so have to be quick in the kitchen!
Oooooooh, you have NOOOO idea of the things we have mixed up around here...Your mix sounds good to me!
Sounds yummy! When my hubby gets into one of his creative cooking moods- its always wise not to observe- a helpful hint that his sisters passed down yrs. ago but for the most part they are usually quite tasty.
Sounds great! I might have to try it!
Thanks for sharing... not sure how well it will go over with my husband!
I often cook by opening the fridge and seeing what's not nailed down.
I get some wierd combinations, mostly good. Ever tried stir-frying frozen cranberries among the veggies? It adds a nice "bite" to the meal.
I've been asked for the recipe, sometimes, when all I could say was, "... well, ... hmmm ... I don't remember ..."
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