Sunday, January 11, 2009

Operation Suspended

Does anyone else do this? I stripped the trees, decorations all over the place and then I stopped!

Last night we sat looking at an 8' green "house plant" which is much more attractive decorated. Anyway, today I'm getting serious about it . I think it's the idea of wrestling them back in their boxes makes me grab my computer and check blogs - much easier and definitely more fun.

Was visiting Sis, watching her take ornaments off. "You may as well not, Christmas is only 11 months away." I got a withered look in reply.


Jeanne said...

Love and hugs
I always wait until my Grandmothers birthday is celebrated and take the tree down January 10th.
Love Jeanne

Ruth said...

Putting away the Christmas decorations is a job I do not look forward to. I like the look of the house when it is done, but not the process, especially because everything is stored in a crawl space.

Chatty Crone said...

I've always wondered about an artificial tree that lays in a circle when it's not up - then you pull the top of the tree from the center of the circle and when you pull it - it makes a full tree - it locks in place - you decorate it, then when the season is over, you take the decorations down, release the latch, and down it goes into a neat circle. Weird, but doesn't it seem easy? I'm into easy these days myself.

Nancy M. said...

I just noticed your blog header in which says "come sit awhile" I just wrote about that on my blog!
I will just come by and have a visit.
I am so glad you are taking life not in a hurry as so many have to but taking your time day by day to just enjoy with those you love.
thank you for sharing Operation Suspended and visiting my blog

Cheryl Nichols said...

I take about 2-3 days to get it all down, because as soon as I do it in a hurry I forget 2-3 things and have to crawl back up in the attic and put something else away. Is it just me or do others have that problem also. Oh well! Maybe that doesn't help since I just realized as I look at the piano that I left a Christmas scarf on top. Love ya,Cheryl