"If you bump me one more time with your body, I'm going to take you down."
Actually, don't worry, didn't say it but sure thought it! I was standing in line about 15 minutes, damp and chilled. Everyone was cold so we were all in the same boat.
This little old lady continued to bump me with her body - where was I to go? Would I move ahead more quickly if I bumped the couple ahead of me?!
Anyway, finally we got to the paper work people and darned if she didn't get ahead of me!
As we stood in line, she smiled and commented that the wait wasn't too long. I barely squeaked out an answer - my arms were sore later - this isn't nice but I hope hers were too:)
I do too... ;)
I am glad you got a shot. We are still waiting. I hope her arm is sore too. And I hope yours is better.
Is it our imaginations or are more people invading our space in public these days? I swear 10 to 15 people per outing will bump into me as if there is a contract for a hit out on me! We had the regular flu shot not the H1N1.
May the flu gods attack her before the vaccination kicks in.
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