So I got tired of braiding them, then pinning to the top of my head.
"Hello, Ms. Eyebrow Waxer? It's the braider, any time available for me?"
"You're booked til end of August. Ok, I'll perm them."
Anyway, it's been terrible trying to find a new esthetician, one who washes her hands - little things like that.
Sometimes I wonder about myself. Booked into a new place to have my brows waxed. It was a lovely new shop but as I closed my eyes dreaming about not having to braid my eyebrows for a while, she proceeds to apply the wax. No hand washing. No sink for Heaven's sake - saw that as I rolled of her table.
I paid her, tipped her (for being unsanitary) and will not go back. Help me understand why I'm such a wimp.