Sunday, January 21, 2007

"One Chip Missing"

So when God made me, He left the SOD chip off the motherboard. (At this point anyone who knows me is nodding wisely.)

If I had just one other acquaintance with this "gift". My man handed me an article in the Readers Digest explaining how my very "special" brain works - or doesn't - for sense of direction. Seems it's not that uncommon. It was a very informative article basically telling me what I knew all along - SOD chip is missing.

How I ever drove to Calgary - and found it - is beyond me! Well, I always found Calgary but once it took our 2 sons, ages 8 and 10, chorusing,"Mom, you're going the wrong way!" We had pulled into Husky at Golden for a break and I turned right instead of left to continue on. That little stickie on the dash helped after that - left in, left out. You can guess the first thing they told Grandps when we arrived-- but he knew - no news there.

Anyway, it's still the same in our mall - if I want to go to Sears I always turn the wrong way and shop the Bay! My man jokingly suggested breadcrumbs but outside, the birds get them and inside, nasty cleaning staff sweeps them up.

It's tough to be special.


Carole Burant said...

Hi Jean....thanks so much for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment:-) I so enjoy "meeting" new people!! I think I have one of those chips missing too...I get so turned around, I'm terrible at finding my way anywhere! lol Take care and hope to see you again:-)

JeanMac said...

Have been lurking for months! You have such a beautiful page set-up and always lots to tell us. I love cooking, too.