Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Words of the Day - Delusional or Confidant

There will be 2! You may pick one or do both - anyway, here goes:

Delusional and/or Confidant

Sorry I have to post it early but I can't stay awake and have to go to bed.Up at 3am for a bit and then up at 5am. Sounds like a baby on 2 hour feedings!


Unknown said...

delusional: laid, lad, nail, sad, sale, sail, said, ale

confidant: ant, cant, can, con, fido, non, fit, dint, find,

Anonymous said...

delusional......sled,slide, sill, noise, lose, slain, sonal, lesion, ale, said, nail, sole, sail, laid, load,

confidant.....coin, con. find, fan, fit dint, find , fondant,
can't, can