So, cleared the garden and pots on the entry steps. Cut 3 lawns, weeded the garden resulting in 3 recycle bags of "stuff".
Our temp was 20 (70) which is just about perfect for us.
Our dear neighbor brought home canning over tonight: jars of pears and hot salsa, yum. We had pears for dinner but will let the salsa sit for several weeks.
My plan is to put landscape fabric over 2/3 of the garden and cover with coarse bark mulch. When we sell, the next family can either sod it in grass or plant a large garden as we have for years.
Something I have to do next week is wash the windows I can reach off the decks - not a favorite as I seem to always get streaks.
I Swiffered the walls in the bedrooms and kitchen tonight. Was surprised there was barely any dust - now the furniture will be another story. I don't do spring and fall cleaning, just work away at it all year round.
What are you up to?
Went out for dinner last night with our relatives and now this morning off to church.
Have a glorious Sunday
Love you
I'm afraid this is another Sunday of getting our "Ox out of the ditch". We have lots of work to get done before our trip. My son is here helping and that is the best part. He makes me laugh so hard!
This isn't much of a follow up to your last entry. -sigh- But, 'tis your business, to reveal or not. :-)
Wondering if the "When we sell..." has any hint in it? But it's probably just a reference to some unknown time in the future...
Gentle hugs,
Miss Mari-Nanci
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