Waiting for a prescription, a vote was taken on what to eat for dinner - like, what kind. Chinese, it will be then.
As we pulled up to the Chinese food establishment, we saw a police cruiser parked. The usual jokes about donuts, "Didn't know Chinese restaurants sold donuts." etc.
Two very muscled, burly officers stood in line, happily choosing their dishes. Actually I felt good thinking maybe little dweeb robbers would bypass this place
for the time being, anyway.
Really didn't mean to eavesdrop but one couldn't help as table were close. My back was to the 2 fellows but it was a delight to listen. One had the most infectious laugh and the other played on it.
They finished their meals first and I hurriedly finished mine, protected yet by their presence:)
Upon opening my fortune cookie, was delighted to read, "You will feel protected today".