Wednesday, May 23, 2007

What a Wonderful Day!

After being concerned how the day would go, I shouldn't have worried. There were a few snags with our plumbing. We had a new main shut off valve put in, the Air conditioner pump and some general servicing.We also had a new modem put in the midst of the plumbing fiasco. Cute! Wasn't planning well to schedule this with 4 guests for dinner at 6pm! I got water by 4pm and made like a whirlwind to complete the stuff for dinner.

N&D arrived safely after a 5 hour trip - it's always so good to have company! Even Buddy the cat, was happy and he promptly hopped into N's bag and made himself comfortable. Ha,ha!

Well, it's 10:40pm and I enjoy recalling the day - sitting here with my trusty computer and my blogger friends. The clock is ticking me to sleep so best say good night til tomorrow.

We plan mini golf and lunch out - then ravioli casserole and BBQ chicken breasts for dinner.

Good night - sleep tight!


Kim said...

I'm happy to hear your plans for the day went well. Hope today is just as fun. mini golf sounds like a good way to start!!!

Trish said...

Glad you got the water fixed! I hope you have a wonderful day today! Minigolf is such fun! Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

Life is never dull at your happy all has been fixed and that your company arrived
safely. Enjoy your day and evening with them....