Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Going, Going, Gone!

So I saw this electric fireplace at Co*tco a few days ago - kind of forgot about it til today.

Ha,ha,ha - if you see something you want get it Now!! They were all gone. But, I kind of think maybe it was meant to be -

I was even too upset to have one of their sundaes so you understand, I hope:)


Kim said...

Sorry about the great deal gone bad. Better luck next time- did you call to see if they were going to be getting in another shipment? and have one placed on hold. Good thinking about being prepared in advance for Christmas. I used to start shopping in late October but have gotten later, and later in the yrs.past. Have a good day!!

Beverly said...

That is good advice. Get it before it's gone.

You're a good one to be thinking about Christmas already. It's so hot here still that one doesn't think too far ahead.

JeanMac said...

Guess I should blog about my "early" Christmas plans. Wait, we have Thanksgiving first! I think I had better blog about it! Morning to all.
BTW, you can go to c*stco.ca and ck if they have product - ship in 3 days. No fireplace, though.