Couldn't get online this morning, man, it's a physical addiction.
After unplugging/replugging the modem and wireless router, no internet connection on my lap top - "here we go again!" No problem, I'll just go to the computers downstairs and log on. Accckkk! No connection.
Why, oh why, are cable located at the back of computers and desks:) I crawled around on my achy knees and could find no loose or unplugged cables.
That's OK, I'll just email Mark, our computer son, and get help. You idiot, you have no connection.
Phoned him and he ran me thru as much as he could and had me unplug/replug the router and modem. Advised I call Shaw for assistance in case problem on their end.
Something told me to try those cursed connections "one more time". Thank goodness I did. Embarrassed to say, I continually plugged the wireless into the old router!
Emailed Mark to confess, I imagine he's still shaking his head.
Yes, isn't technology wonderful (at times!)
I'm just glad it was easily 'fixed.' I totally understand plugging something into the wrong outlet. Sighhhhhhhhhh :-)
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