So I've heard of arm wrestling, mud wrestling - you get the gist. That's nothing. Try cat wrestling- it's time to put ointment in
both his eyes. Tonight is the first time he "caught on" and darted away with a wee little mew when he heard me open the box.
Anyway, I have to turn him upside down between my legs with one leg over him, ointment in my hand and other hand trying to
pry open a "tightly squeezed shut" eye. This all takes place in the recliner, to try to give me the advantage,
ha,ha,ha. After much "to-do", I accomplished my mission and he had the audacity to beg for "treats" - which he gets after his manicure.
Ah, well, only one more week of drops to go - do I hear crying? Yeah and it's me.
BTW, how come the vet just does it so easily? Practice makes perfect?!