When our guests were leaving tonight, I asked if anyone had seen the cat - was afraid he'd get out. Shirl laughed and said he's OK and in the living room.
When pressed further, she could barely talk for laughing - he's lying behind the Christmas tree - on the tree skirt with his head resting on a pile of orange peelings!
I guess one needs fresh orange peelings to deter a cat! Too funny.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Oranges and Afgans
Did you know that Christmas ornaments explode when dropped on laminate flooring?! Every Christmas, the odd ornament falls onto our tree skirt. This year I "puddled" afgans around the tree before setting the skirt in place. I like the look rather than so flat on the floor.
Also, big scoop. As you peel the Christmas oranges, lay the peels around the skirt. Buddy, the cat, will not use the skirt as his favorite bed. I read cats dislike citrus scent. It works. Yes, I'll pick them all up before company arrives.
Sunday, December 9, 2007

Christmas is supposed to evoke warm and fuzzy feelings and it does but I am thinking about a friend who lost his Mom in July. He posted a remembrance of her on his blog as it would have been her 65th birthday.
These firsts are so difficult, birthdays, Christmas, Mothers Day.
Thinking of you at this time, Friend.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Thanks, Shirl!
Thursday, November 29, 2007
If Only Humans Could - - -
Buddy and I were watching the birds feed outside "his" window today. We have ducks, quail, chickadees, blue jays, etc. The size difference is enormous.
There is only harmony, no competition or larger ones bullying the smaller ones. If only humans could live in such harmony and peace.
There is only harmony, no competition or larger ones bullying the smaller ones. If only humans could live in such harmony and peace.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving to Our Friends!
Monday, November 19, 2007
Buddy's Vet Visit
So Buddy, the cat, is a macho sort of character - imagine his humiliation when the vet applied "Soft Paws" to his nails! The caps are clear and softly rounded on the ends. It's that or declawing, Buddy.
Check out SoftPaws.
He doesn't scratch furniture but will sit by his scratch pole, look at me and proceed to scratch the carpet. The vet said it's for attention - yes, well, he gets attention all right. She frowned at that comment.
Anyway, Buddy's vet is the sweetest little tiny Scottish gal - she looks about 15 years old. After he was weighed (13.5lbs.) she pronounced he had a surplus of fat on his tummy. No kidding. Anyway, life changes tomorrow - only a "slight teaspoon" of Fancy Feast in the morn and the rest will be his "teeth cleaning marbles" dry food Rx by the vet a year ago.
I have never had a manicure in my life so quit complaining, Buddy!
Check out SoftPaws.
He doesn't scratch furniture but will sit by his scratch pole, look at me and proceed to scratch the carpet. The vet said it's for attention - yes, well, he gets attention all right. She frowned at that comment.
Anyway, Buddy's vet is the sweetest little tiny Scottish gal - she looks about 15 years old. After he was weighed (13.5lbs.) she pronounced he had a surplus of fat on his tummy. No kidding. Anyway, life changes tomorrow - only a "slight teaspoon" of Fancy Feast in the morn and the rest will be his "teeth cleaning marbles" dry food Rx by the vet a year ago.
I have never had a manicure in my life so quit complaining, Buddy!
Friday, November 16, 2007

So Buddy, the cat, is miffed that his food is no longer front row centre in the kitchen. He's been demoted to the laundry room since laminate was laid.
Because he is a messy eater, can't have him broadcasting his fare on the new floor. Cats don't like change but I had no choice. He sulks til I'm out of sight and then the food mysteriously disappears.
Friday, November 9, 2007
So What is November - Finter?
Seems November is neither fall or winter - finter? We are fortunate enough to have quite mild temps yet ( plus 5-11) daytime. Sun shines a bit and the rains come.
Technically the first day of winter is Dec 21st - whoa, that's a late date. I'd say Dec. 1st is more like it.
Anyway, today I walked 30 minutes - very cold wind blowing off the lake. Mittens required:)
I pulled up all the annuals on the front step and generally tidied the yard. Put seed out for the birds and stirred my compost.
Bring on winter!
Technically the first day of winter is Dec 21st - whoa, that's a late date. I'd say Dec. 1st is more like it.
Anyway, today I walked 30 minutes - very cold wind blowing off the lake. Mittens required:)
I pulled up all the annuals on the front step and generally tidied the yard. Put seed out for the birds and stirred my compost.
Bring on winter!
Thursday, November 8, 2007
After the laminate was laid, I feared to "use" it. Considered surgical booties and bib trays while we ate. Now, time has passed and I realize it's not made of salt - the occasional drops can be wiped up with no permanent damage.
We both sit here at night admiring the color and also how it feels to walk on.
Next week the rest of house will be done. I'm finding it a bit difficult to find 8 x 10 area rugs (that I like). Lots of 5 x 7's. Won't rush, just wait til I see one that's right.
Chef arrives on Nov. 11 so maybe that will be helpful for me. He can go have lunch with Dad and I will hang around while the guys work.
We both sit here at night admiring the color and also how it feels to walk on.
Next week the rest of house will be done. I'm finding it a bit difficult to find 8 x 10 area rugs (that I like). Lots of 5 x 7's. Won't rush, just wait til I see one that's right.
Chef arrives on Nov. 11 so maybe that will be helpful for me. He can go have lunch with Dad and I will hang around while the guys work.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Kelly, Our Shepherd Story #1
We got Kelly, a female shep, when she was about 8 weeks of age. A lovable dog, she couldn't resist visiting (old) Midnight, the cat. Now Midnight napped in the center of a queen size bed, in a patch of sunlight, undisturbed for several years - enter Kelly.
Kelly would put her chin on the bed and gaze lovingly at Midnight. "Tick, tick, tick!"
"Ow, yap, yap, yap." We could hear Midnight's claws smacking Kelly's nose and the reaction.
Being a pup, Kelly never ever gave up trying to make friends. I think eventually Kelly had more important things to do than get her nose clawed - like guard the house.
Kelly would put her chin on the bed and gaze lovingly at Midnight. "Tick, tick, tick!"
"Ow, yap, yap, yap." We could hear Midnight's claws smacking Kelly's nose and the reaction.
Being a pup, Kelly never ever gave up trying to make friends. I think eventually Kelly had more important things to do than get her nose clawed - like guard the house.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Well, Halloween tonight - I have to say the older I get, the less enthused! We usually have 80 - 100 kids so I have lots of treats on hand.
We'll turn off the lights about 8:30pm - it's a long 4 hours of screaming:)
Usually we watch a movie or just some TV afterwards.
No decorating or dressing up this year - which I'll miss - too much going on the do that.
Happy Halloween.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Finally a Few Pics
These just show the floors torn up and the place at the stairs to the dining room where we removed some really horrible spindles (IMHO).
The bookcase which is now in my laundry room, was made by my man in 1990. The men are going to build a matching one for me.
Will post more as the rooms are completed and the furniture back in place.
Sorry I was so long in doing it.
Monday, October 29, 2007
Procrastination = Icicles

For all of September I vowed to wash windows - so guess what? I did them today. It's only 10 and a decent wind blowing. My hands were so cold.
Actually, it's been so chilly the last week that I didn't know if I'd get them done.
The outside of the back entry door also needed a good scrub. It was disgusting. Even the locks and handle were dirty.
Why, yes, I should receive (bad) housekeeper of the year award ~
What chores have you postponed or are you all set for fall?
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Rocky Mountain High - - -

Ouch, no Rocky Mountain High in Denver last night - for a bit I thought they would teach Boston a lesson.
Those announcer have stats that blow my mind - no team has ever won if the manager sneezed twice before the 4th inning - Ok, maybe I exaggerate a bit.
We sat propped up on the bed, eating supper and enjoying the game.
Wise old one that I am, when the pitcher for Boston came up, I announced pitchers aren't good batters so - bam!!!!!!!!!Before I could spew forth my wisdom, he was on base.
After that I just watched the game in silence:)
Dark and Dangerous
So our floors are dark walnut and our cat is black/chocolate brown.
It's mighty dangerous being Buddy since we did the floors. He blends right in.
We were laughing last night that we may have to paint a white stripe on him for his sake. (Of course, just joking:)
It's mighty dangerous being Buddy since we did the floors. He blends right in.
We were laughing last night that we may have to paint a white stripe on him for his sake. (Of course, just joking:)
Thursday, October 25, 2007
We received our new passports 4 weeks after applying. That's just awesome. Last time it took over 4 months but sadly it was due to 9/11.
W said if they let us in with these pics, they're crazy - we do look like Ma and Pa Barker.
It never fails that I get my pic taken with long hair and then chop off 4". Last time my hair was 3" long for the pic and then I presented with it grown long enough to rest on my shoulders. Oh, well, I guess they scrutinize our beady eyes.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Remote Cordless Doorbell

So we finally have a cordless, remote doorbell. With Hallowe'en coming up, I can't think of a more perfect time to install one - they can scream their heads off with "trick or treat" and it won't bother us like the incessant chiming of a bell.
My Guy loves, loves, the little kids - especially when they are dressed up. He chats a bit with each one and waves to the parents.
Hopefully this year will see fewer and fewer coming around - we still bought 250 chocolate bars - good diet control for me as I made sure they had peanuts - I'm allergic. Between my man and the workers sampling, we are down a bit. I expect about 80 children. Once the 15 years olds who stand taller than I start arriving, lights out for sure. Seems that happens around 8pm. "Parents, do you know where your kids are?"
If I ever learn how to size pics I'll post some from Halloweens past. Both of us used to dress up. I have scary eyeglasses that light up and I love to knock the soxs off sassy kids (about 13 years of age). I peek thru the blinds and flash the glasses - they scream and then when I open the door, they are all macho and ask how I did that! Fun, fun.
BTW, if you need a very quick costume, dress in black and wrap battery mini lights around yourself. It's fun to open the door dressed all in black and flick the "on" switch to surprise them.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Happy Birthday, Petra!
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Beware - This Post is a Rant!

So we initially subscribed in January 1974. Last week I canceled my subscription. My gripe is that I asked the paper be put in the pail on our step. No mail box but a 5 gallon pail I take in come morning and put out at bedtime! (Another annoyance but it's ugly) So, every 2000th paper, the carrier deems important enough to toss in the magic pail, the rest are "where ever". I'm sick of it and canceled.
When I inquired, they said we are rural so carriers don't deliver to the step. Well, for Heaven sake, my driveway in town plus our front sidewalk was 3' shorter than here. And your point is?
I didn't get into all that - the aggravation isn't worth it. Plus, I've read the news on the internet 2 days before our paper prints it. Gotta say that I do miss the comics and "the routine" but since W is never up to share coffee and the paper anymore it doesn't mean much to me.
Told her I will resubscribe if they get a carrier willing to walk the extra 3 feet:)
End of rant.
Monday, October 15, 2007
I Smell a Rat - - -
So, I booked Buddy into the cat hotel aka luxury villa for a few days. Wouldn't mind staying there myself, to be honest. She'd just have to get a larger post for me to crouch on!
Floors are being started tomorrow and felt it best he wasn't here for his sake and ours. Anyway, cat's giving me the cold shoulder and loving my Man up - not my fault I had to make the phone call, you know!
Anyway, cat goes in at 4pm today and I then have to get home and move the last stuff out of the way for our renovator. He said he'd be here at 10am Tuesday.
I will post pics. Right now we have vinyl in the kitchen and parquet (which I hate) in the entry. The dining room, kitchen, back and front entries and halls will be dark walnut laminate. The living room will be carpet but I'm not sure I can get it done by Christmas - mostly cause I can't choose it!
The carpets in the bedrooms will remain for now but I'll probably laminate the master and use existing in the guest as it's good.
Phew! Anyway, if I'm not my usual gabby self in the next few days it's only because I won't be able to reach my computer.
Floors are being started tomorrow and felt it best he wasn't here for his sake and ours. Anyway, cat's giving me the cold shoulder and loving my Man up - not my fault I had to make the phone call, you know!
Anyway, cat goes in at 4pm today and I then have to get home and move the last stuff out of the way for our renovator. He said he'd be here at 10am Tuesday.
I will post pics. Right now we have vinyl in the kitchen and parquet (which I hate) in the entry. The dining room, kitchen, back and front entries and halls will be dark walnut laminate. The living room will be carpet but I'm not sure I can get it done by Christmas - mostly cause I can't choose it!
The carpets in the bedrooms will remain for now but I'll probably laminate the master and use existing in the guest as it's good.
Phew! Anyway, if I'm not my usual gabby self in the next few days it's only because I won't be able to reach my computer.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Busy Bees
We worked hard today - winter's coming, folks:) He split wood and I stacked it, did laundry, changed beds, cut 3 lawns. It's the first day dry enough to cut lawns.
He's still full of energy - I'm beat.
He's still full of energy - I'm beat.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Friday, October 12, 2007
Flu Shots
Femail doc was discussing 'flu shots today. Brought back a great memory of Dad. When his home care RN came to visit one nice fall day, she suggested a 'flu shot. He was wary (afraid of needles!) and said to bring it next time. She countered that she had it in the car so would just do it now.
When I went to visit him later, he said he had to do it cause what if he caught he 'flu. They'd give him - - -.
When I went to visit him later, he said he had to do it cause what if he caught he 'flu. They'd give him - - -.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
People are so kind - - -

So we're sitting here after dinner and Rick, our painter calls. He told us he was thinking about our guest bathroom. Gave me some ideas to mull over for the next few days. He's coming Tuesday to do some more painting and offered to jazz up the bath:)
Everyone is so good to us. Took the Honda in for winter tires and blah, blah, blah. We were held up for 4 hours - phoned my sis and her husband. "Come on over." So we passed the afternoon there. We ordered Subway and had yummy cookies and coffee.
Hope you all had a good one. I'm tired now but too early to go to bed at 8pm!
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Lucky Beyond Lucky
Yesterday was very busy starting at 8am and finally ending at 6:30pm.
So my story begins putting the garbage out while waiting for an important call. Set the cell and land phone on the trunk of the car. My neighbor chatted for a moment and then I drove down to buy extra garbage tags at our little city hall.
Came home to thank her for the reminder and it nearly fainted - the phones! Ran to the garage and the cell was still clinging to the hinge area on the trunk. Can you believe that?
Jumped in the car and drove my route and found the land phone in pieces (whole) in a ditch.
So, never, never, never set anything on your car - you're sure to forget it. I was just incredibly lucky!
So my story begins putting the garbage out while waiting for an important call. Set the cell and land phone on the trunk of the car. My neighbor chatted for a moment and then I drove down to buy extra garbage tags at our little city hall.
Came home to thank her for the reminder and it nearly fainted - the phones! Ran to the garage and the cell was still clinging to the hinge area on the trunk. Can you believe that?
Jumped in the car and drove my route and found the land phone in pieces (whole) in a ditch.
So, never, never, never set anything on your car - you're sure to forget it. I was just incredibly lucky!
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Our Sunday (Monday) Drive
Remember years go when our parents would take us for Sunday drives? Kind of a nice memory.
Yesterday we "took a drive". Just drove thru new neighborhoods and old. We chose houses we'd definitely like and those we didn't. A new development in our little city will have 2400 homes - a small town once it's complete. Seems like some lots are not stable as the houses sit on fill over a steep incline - hopefully they are safe.
After having lived in this small city since April 1999, I was surprised at all the areas we have missed seeing. Suppose it had something to do with working long days.
Life doesn't get much more exciting than this, does it?
Yesterday we "took a drive". Just drove thru new neighborhoods and old. We chose houses we'd definitely like and those we didn't. A new development in our little city will have 2400 homes - a small town once it's complete. Seems like some lots are not stable as the houses sit on fill over a steep incline - hopefully they are safe.
After having lived in this small city since April 1999, I was surprised at all the areas we have missed seeing. Suppose it had something to do with working long days.
Life doesn't get much more exciting than this, does it?
Monday, October 8, 2007
We lived in a French Canadian community when the boys were small. Definitely the minority, it was interesting. My best friend spoke English but her 6 children did not.
Occasionally she babysat for me. Was interesting for the 8 children to play with the language differences. No barrier. Our sons picked up French and got very confused. When they spoke English at home, sometimes used French grammar. We had some really humorous sentences happening in those early days.
BTW, bless your heart, Germaine! Love you. A friend after all these years.
Occasionally she babysat for me. Was interesting for the 8 children to play with the language differences. No barrier. Our sons picked up French and got very confused. When they spoke English at home, sometimes used French grammar. We had some really humorous sentences happening in those early days.
BTW, bless your heart, Germaine! Love you. A friend after all these years.
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Weather Report

Just a gorgeous sunny day here with blue skies. I bundled up, poured a coffee and will sit on the step.
Still have a bit of yard work to do so if the weather holds, I may get the garden cleared.
So happy to have a house full for Christmas. My mind has been whirling. Last night I dreamed we all went skiing - as we used to do years ago. Good memories.
Have a great Saturday, Everyone, and enjoy this gorgeous fall weather.
Friday, October 5, 2007
Not My Fault I'm Weird

Very busy around here these days so I made a batch of spaghetti. A big batch. Then I thought, no protein, we'll be hungry. So added a piece of meatloaf. When I got the meatloaf, I saw the chili. So supper was spaghetti, a small pc. of meatloaf a la chili.
Had a small salad and we're set for a bit:)
Does anyone else mix it up like that - well, I know it won't be quite that mixed!
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Merry Christmas!
Changing Styles

So when I put the house back together I'm thinking of streamling it. Not exactly minimalist but for me, it would be.
When our sons come home, I'll let them pick over stuff but they probably already have all they want.
The work is not done so I can think and plan:)
What kind of house do you live in? Minimalist or what style?
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Thanksgiving Weekend in Canada

May get busy in the next few days so sending wishes near and far. Somehow I can't see me too busy to blog but I suppose it could happen!
I have a list of things I'm thankful for - family and friends rate first. Could write lots on my list.
Invited to Shirl's and Robin's for dinner Sunday - look forward to that.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007

October 2nd?! Everyone I know says the time flew by this year but is it because we are getting old?
This month is so busy with the floors and a few other updates. Still haven't my garden completely cleared and I have to collect leaves. They are late falling (no pun intended). I was thinking could use my mighty Chevy 1/4 ton to haul lots this year - the insurance is off Oct. 8.
The pots on the front entry still look acceptable so I'm leaving them - all too soon it will be bare. But we do decorate the entry for Christmas so that will happen in November. I like things up early and down early.
The sky is a charcoal blanket over head - looks very angry. Still hoping for a few crisp days of blue skies and sunshine.
Happy Tuesday - and yes, my garbage is out on the correct day:)
Monday, October 1, 2007
Opal Memories
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
We chose the color laminate we want for our floors today. It's a rich, deep color that will go well. Tomorrow the painter will do a bit of work so all will be "spiffed" up before the floor is laid.
I looked at carpet samples and my head spun so just left it. Enough to get the laminate done and then worry about carpet.
With a bit of luck and scheduling, we should have the place done before the end of October.
Hope all is well in your world.
I looked at carpet samples and my head spun so just left it. Enough to get the laminate done and then worry about carpet.
With a bit of luck and scheduling, we should have the place done before the end of October.
Hope all is well in your world.
Monday, September 24, 2007
They were numb and fumbled the pins, fingers so cold on wet towels. Birds sang wildly in competition with each other. The sun blinded me as I looked up at the brilliant blue sky through the trees. (It's 10/50 degrees here - we may have had a touch of frost last night.
Unless it warms up, this may be my last week of hanging laundry on my beloved line.
Enjoy your Monday.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Beware the Laundry Hamper

I twirled in agony, are you to hold it high or in cold water? Funny, when someone is present, you yell like crazy if you split a nail. Silence, but my mind was whirling wondering what would ease the pain best. Didn't even look at my finger fearing what I'd see. No pain killers in the house.
Anyway, if you have vent holes in your hamper, I'd suggest taping them over. Drove my hand in quickly to get some items and caught my nail on the edge of a hole. Sore, sore, sore.
Anyway, yesterday (2 days after the fact) I bought a splint because broke it also vertically. Well, they make these with a lining of bright blue foam. I got in the car after purchasing it and set it in place, wrapped the tape and surveyed the situation.
We both sat and laughed because it looked like I was "giving the finger" to every car I met. As I held the steering wheel, this blue digit poked up at the world like a nasty.
So, dropped that finger down and drove 20 km's home with thumb and pointer finger daintily holding the wheel - offensive finger hidden away.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Mountain Road Report - - -

Well, I have to thank all of you who wrote and commented. I'm sorry to have closed things for a few days(!) but felt it was very boring - no zing in my writing. Still isn't.
After traveling mountain roads in winter for years, it just struck me "Road Closed - Road Opened"
Well, due to your kind words the blogging road is open again.
Hopefully, I won't bore you to death - only to sleep:) Great for insomniacs, though!
Thank you again.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Monday, Monday - - -
So, wonderful sleep last night. Up at 8:30am and after a coffee (or two:), started laundry, vacuumed and now ready to wash floors.
Brought back memories of my childhood in the early 50's. Mom would boot us out of bed at 6am so she could wash our white sheets first. How I hated Mondays back then.
Winters she'd hang her clothes out, frozen immediately. Then haul them in, long johns like crazy frozen forms - scary as a child! Slowly they would thaw and the arms fall neatly by their sides. We used to go up to them and bend the arms and legs - intrigued with the process of "breaking" them. Dad had several lines in the kitchen for her and she's load that cook stove up to get the clothes dry.
Mom was meticulous about her housekeeping. Her lines were neat. When she folded clothes, the towels, etc. were folded only a certain way. To this day, I try to fold mine differently and can't. Seems sacrilegious to her memory.
Well, off to my electric dryer and auto washer - I should be more appreciative!
Brought back memories of my childhood in the early 50's. Mom would boot us out of bed at 6am so she could wash our white sheets first. How I hated Mondays back then.
Winters she'd hang her clothes out, frozen immediately. Then haul them in, long johns like crazy frozen forms - scary as a child! Slowly they would thaw and the arms fall neatly by their sides. We used to go up to them and bend the arms and legs - intrigued with the process of "breaking" them. Dad had several lines in the kitchen for her and she's load that cook stove up to get the clothes dry.
Mom was meticulous about her housekeeping. Her lines were neat. When she folded clothes, the towels, etc. were folded only a certain way. To this day, I try to fold mine differently and can't. Seems sacrilegious to her memory.
Well, off to my electric dryer and auto washer - I should be more appreciative!
Friday, September 14, 2007
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Busy Bee

So today I hauled grass and cedar clippings from our "hot little Chevy 1/4 ton truck" to the garden. Robin supplied the goodies for me. It's fill for one of the garden beds. I'm hoping it will compost down over the next few months and I won't have to buy soil. Go to work, worms!
Cleaned up some garden beds, weeded the pool bed and trimmed a few wild shrubs.
MiHwa called tonight - so sweet to talk to her. We have only one daughter-in-law (so far!) and love her much. All the family does.
Boring post folks but not too much happening here - lots of work on the agenda for tomorrow. Have to clean the windows I can reach, ha,ha. My list is slowly getting things scratched off.
Hope everyone has a great Friday - esp. if you're still working - so exciting when the weekend comes.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Friday, September 7, 2007
I Feel His Presence
Thursday, September 6, 2007
The List Lady
"Would someone please bring me a new dishwasher soap?"
"There is none."
"Acckk, check the pantry and the garage shelves. Got to have dishwasher soap."
This is after Christmas dinner one year. I vowed "never again" as we stood up to our elbows in the sink 'n suds. So, the lists evolved.
My master Christmas list is for every item I could possibly need making a Christmas feast and having company - right down to tea candles.
When I plan my meals, list each dish I'll make and the ingredients/utensils that will be needed. For example:
Turkey: oil, herbs, wide foil, rack, lifters
Each year I search my favorite magazines and files for a couple new dishes. That is why I start now. Big job:)
It's a great idea to list your table items also and have all the linens collected. As it draws nearer, I put them all on the same shelf in the linen closet - including candles and napkins.
I do the same for each room decorated. As Christmas comes closer and Sup**rSto*e has their sale on where you spend $250. and get $30. off, I go and buy all my ingredients at once. Usually I have $80. in points so it ends up being very good deal.
Of course, there is always last minute produce and dairy.
Used to decorate for Halloween but it's too much work so we'll just plan Christmas. I will wear my creepy goggles, though, when I hand out candy:)
All This talk - - -
All this talk about "things" being loose in the house reminded me of "long ago". Vacuuming the closet floor, I discovered a "lizard" - actually, now I have to phone him but it was a kind of lizard:)
Anyway, as usual, I freaked til I realized it was a dead, dehydrated lizard.
So I call Brian, who's about 14 at the time, to come dispose of it.
He was surprised with my find - said he had it in his room and it got away a month ago- what!!! I've been sleeping with a dehydrating lizard keeping me company?
Our house was kind of a mini zoo - the guys had all kinds of pets. No crickets inside, though. We used to leave the windows open to listen to them at night til development chased them on.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Going, Going, Gone!
So I saw this electric fireplace at Co*tco a few days ago - kind of forgot about it til today.
Ha,ha,ha - if you see something you want get it Now!! They were all gone. But, I kind of think maybe it was meant to be -
I was even too upset to have one of their sundaes so you understand, I hope:)
Ha,ha,ha - if you see something you want get it Now!! They were all gone. But, I kind of think maybe it was meant to be -
I was even too upset to have one of their sundaes so you understand, I hope:)
Monday, September 3, 2007
Grasshopper Pie, Anyone?
So I'm sitting here working on my Christmas meals and decor plans - all is peaceful just the cat and my Hon and I. All of a sudden the cat charges across the floor toward me - someone give you catnip, Buddy? "No, I see a grasshopper on the edge of the table lamp shade, Mom."
I freaked, the cat freaked and Hon calmly asks us both what all the commotion is about.
When I got up, it startled the poor grasshopper so now it's somewhere. Some where in my house!
I was running for Kleenex when he made his escape. I closed the bedroom doors vowing to never open them again til said grasshopper is gone.
He's back, back on the lampshade! So I'm dancing a jig and ran away, spinning out on the floor.
Cat's all excited spinning out on the floor, too, he wants it for a snack.
To the rescue, Superhopper, my Man. He grabbed it in the wad of Kleenex I had tossed to him moments earlier. Flush!
Hopefully no more excitement tonight.
Buddy got a nice snack for alerting me to the yucky thing.
I freaked, the cat freaked and Hon calmly asks us both what all the commotion is about.
When I got up, it startled the poor grasshopper so now it's somewhere. Some where in my house!
I was running for Kleenex when he made his escape. I closed the bedroom doors vowing to never open them again til said grasshopper is gone.
He's back, back on the lampshade! So I'm dancing a jig and ran away, spinning out on the floor.
Cat's all excited spinning out on the floor, too, he wants it for a snack.
To the rescue, Superhopper, my Man. He grabbed it in the wad of Kleenex I had tossed to him moments earlier. Flush!
Hopefully no more excitement tonight.
Buddy got a nice snack for alerting me to the yucky thing.
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Beautiful Fall - - -

Is anyone else as surprised as I that Sept. 1st crept up on us? Actually, I am happy. This morn I pulled weeds in our side driveway lawn. Perfectly mellow temp of about 20 degrees.
The trees are changing quite quickly now as the days shorten bringing on a new beauty. I have to keep my camera in the car - seems like yesterday I was taking pics of the spring blossoms.
This is a holiday weekend in Canada but I guess they are not such "looked for weekends" as when we worked. I'd like to get the garden pulled- it was a disappointment this year - many people said that.
Celebrate your extended weekend and have a safe and relaxing few days off.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
A Discovery
I should read Blogger updates more often! If you go to your profile and click on it, Blogger will bring up bloggers with similar interests as you have. So far, no more gross p*on sites.
What really bothered me was that the p*on site kept rolling by about every 6 "next blog" - is blogger behind that, do they know and feel it will generate more for them - and, why do the same 10 blogs keep repeating, p*on or not?
I'm not the brightest blogger star but I'd like the answers.
And thank you, Blogger, for the profile way - so far, no p*on.
What really bothered me was that the p*on site kept rolling by about every 6 "next blog" - is blogger behind that, do they know and feel it will generate more for them - and, why do the same 10 blogs keep repeating, p*on or not?
I'm not the brightest blogger star but I'd like the answers.
And thank you, Blogger, for the profile way - so far, no p*on.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Lost and Found at the SPCA
As we packed our bundle of joy into the car, the lady at the SPCA said, "I think I forgot something."
Four years later I realize she was right - he left his voice behind! Buddy, the cat, has the most pitiful lack of "meow" I've ever heard. Sometimes the poor fellow meows and nothing comes out - his lower teeth show and his big golden eyes plead for understanding. I guess we're lucky in a way as my SIL had a cat which talked - nonstop! (And it was male, ha,ha,ha) Drove them crazy. We loved it's talking as it was very unique but I guess it would grate after a bit.
Anyway, do we get some kind of price adjustment?:)
Four years later I realize she was right - he left his voice behind! Buddy, the cat, has the most pitiful lack of "meow" I've ever heard. Sometimes the poor fellow meows and nothing comes out - his lower teeth show and his big golden eyes plead for understanding. I guess we're lucky in a way as my SIL had a cat which talked - nonstop! (And it was male, ha,ha,ha) Drove them crazy. We loved it's talking as it was very unique but I guess it would grate after a bit.
Anyway, do we get some kind of price adjustment?:)
Saturday, August 25, 2007
What a Difference a Week Makes - - -

So I'm sitting here in a fleece top cuddled up to my coffee mug and the cat! It's very cool in the mornings now. We wake up to 15 degree temps and 22 in the house.
Did the Costco trip yesterday about 6pm - very good time to go cause "who goes Costco shopping on a Friday night??" Oh, yeah, we're boring, we do:) Anyway, got a lot of stuff off my lists and I'm ready for anything, ha,ha. Butter for Christmas baking!
Very strange to listen to Christmas CD's playing in August and as a protest I wouldn't go look at them - now September is another story. Even my Man commented it was weird and just as he said that, we rounded a corner and ran into a 5' tall animated Halloween witch - scared me half to death. That made his day! (As I've said, doesn't take much to entertain us.) I was just regaining my compose when she let out her cackle.
We drowned our sorrows over 2 berry sundaes - best purchase of the evening - - -Have you had a Costco Sundae?? They beat DQ - hands down - I only get hot chocolate fudge sundaes at DQ. Picky about my treats, you know.
Friday, August 24, 2007
Thursday, August 23, 2007
My Man celebrated his birthday August 11th and I had lots of gifts for him but the one gift I wanted eluded me. For quite a while I've been searching for a "perfect" sized plastic container for all his BBQ paraphernalia. Couldn't find just the right one so after he opened gifts, told him about it.
We walked into Walmart Monday and guess what - one perfect container, only one left. Now it doesn't take much to make me happy so I'm all excited to find it. Just as a lady walked past us, I mentioned that this was what I had been wanting for his birthday. She gave me a look of disdain! So, I smiled at her and said no more extravagant gifts for him next year. Think she got the point. Old battle ax:)
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Honda Civic Confusion - - -

So the warranty is now over for our Honda Civic - paid for life time oil changes so arrive at the drive in service desk. "Yes, Jean, your due for your oil change and blah,blah to do with the air conditioner."
OK, I can live with that. What I expected to be a free visit now is $70. Still can live with that.
Told him I would bring the car in for 56,000 km servicing in Oct. when we mount the winter tires. (Yes, October, we live in Canada:) He said no service is required?? (There was a little sticker in the window saying bring your wallet and car at 56,000.)
Couldn't tell me when the studded tires were legally able to be mounted. Suggested I call ICBC, our friendly neighborhood insurer. Uh, you're the service manager and I'm just a non-mechanical wild lady driver. Seems to me you should know. I will ask my BIL.
But the reason I sat down to whine and complain was: why is there nothing to do now that that warranty is over?? I was paying $400. plus several times a year (depending on mileage) to keep warranty valid. Now it's over, I'm told I need nothing. Why did I need so much 4 months ago?? Do I smell a rat?
Could some guy (or mechanical woman) please explain - was I just getting ripped off?
"I am Woman Hear Me Roar" - remember Helen Reddy?? I'll be roaring if it was a rip off.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Next Blog
So I'm not a prude but come on, I'm disgusted when I hit next blog searching for "normal" blogs. Uh, what's with that - I'm disgusted - Blogger says "notify us" - uh, if enough people complain we''ll do something. You can't tell me they don't know this garbage exists and they condone it - -
What's your opinion?
What's your opinion?
Starry, Starry Nights
Sunday, August 19, 2007
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