Monday, December 29, 2008
Also, 2 oranges and one brownie (I know, I know!) were being weighed and being I had just eaten them, their weight should be deducted:)
How sad a post but! It sure should have been so much higher considering all the "junk" I ate.
It's snowing like crazy and I'm sipping coffee, tree lights on, my eyes on the cinnamon buns. There's something about "after Christmas" that I love - especially cause there's food all over - begging to be eaten.
Hope everyone I know had a great holiday - we sure did. One son and his wife were here for 6 days. I was spoiled so much. Coffee was ready in the morn, wood was hauled and fire started before I got up, driveway was always snow blowed! As I look back, that was the best Christmas gift for me.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
What to do, What to do???

So I have thought the situation thru very well - the only answer is to bring the treadmill upstairs, get on it, and eat my Christmas goodies as I run - the house is full of forbidden fruit, nuts and other baddies but goodies.
So chew, chew, run, run.
Chew, chew, run, run.
I thought the Garfield cartoon was very fitting. Cheers to All.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Deterioration - - -
Today our power was off from 10:30am to 3:30pm and again for 10 minutes at 7pm. We look like Goodyear Blim* - all bundled up in hooded sweats etc. But, I digress:)
Couldn't really do anything without power - then it hit me! I can write my Christmas cards - yeah, I'm just a bit late - - -
So, if anyone calls asking an explanation if they can't read my writing, at least this year I have a valid excuse, "I loved you all so much I persevered and wrote by candle light" - which is true - and it may fly that this year as I have a reason for my poor writing.
I wrote 4 cards before the power came back on - - - and no, I'll never tell which ones were by candle. Actually, I think they were better than the rest!
Merry Christmas, Everyone!
Amazing how much food we buy for the big week. We are delighted to have guests December 22 thru the 29th. How wonderful is that!
This year promises to be a great Christmas. Having so many people around is a huge help for me.
Bring on Christmas! We're ready!
Friday, December 19, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Remembering Dad - - -

My Dad played major/junior in Ontario, carded to the Boston Bruins.
Anyway, this cartoon really reminded me of Dad's power and strength. He was only 5'10 1/2" but solid muscle. When he checked someone, they kind of ended up like the cartoon.
Seriously, Dad said he'd stop in his tracks and let a player hit him rather than flatten the guy - especially if the other player were of a slighter build.
One time someone asked if he knew "such and such" an NHL player - Dad smiled and said he'd run into him once in a while - they didn't get the pun.
According to BIL, my Mom watched her first game and said, "I married a monster."
I wish to clarify, Dad did not play dirty, he played tough. He coached in later years and every time a fellow was hit, skating with his head down, Dad would say, "He'll keep his head up next time."
Missing both you and Mom at this Christmas season. Love Jean
Monday, December 15, 2008
Wake Up Call
Today, the insurance company (after washing my bumper!), found the imprint of her license plate holder and 2 holes from it. Will be repaired in January.
We talked a few days after the accident. She thanked me for not flipping out on her. I replied, "Your welcome, maybe bump into you someday."
"Don't say that," she laughed. All is well.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
We Welcomed Winter - - -
Scritch, scritch, scritch - our precious neighbor was out clearing our drive again. So, we both dressed and helped.
Weren't quite done when our guests arrived - so he helped with the last few scoops of snow - just looked out and guess what - we'll need to shovel this morn.
Friday, December 12, 2008
"TUAW Terminal Tips"
Aaacckk!! Nothing to do with travel unless you're on the geek freeway.
Another time - - - and if you do find some travel tip sites in your browsing, please send them Mom's way, Ok?
Merry Christmas
We are basically ready for the holidays - my sister and BIL are keeping W while I do last minute shopping next week.
Menus made up and groceries purchased. We have one (of 2) son visiting, one DIL, a sister, BIL and brother and partner. How nice is that!?
Anyway, I have to thank everyone for their gracious and helpful comments over the year. It truly feels as if I have come into your homes and met you. Please know we appreciate each of you.
Love Jean
Monday, December 8, 2008
I've Heard of Weak Coffee - - -
Ack! For once, I set the coffee up last night - for some reason I knew I'd need caffeine today - early! All is well, the aroma wafted into the bedroom, bright and early, as planned.
Poured my first cup - of hot "tea". Forgot to set up with new coffee grounds last night - so I filled the mug, redid the coffee pot properly, and sat down with my cup - was a good hand warmer on a chilly morn.
Happy, Monday, All.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Personal Taste

This cartoon reminded me of some conversations a few years ago when we painted. Our main floor area is mocha (like D* ice cream). The master bedroom is a wonderful dusty green. Cream moldings in each room.
We love the colors chosen but it wasn't for everyone. It took me about a month to not crave ice cream after we painted - seriously.
Kelly, Our Shepherd #2
One day, there is Kelly, on the floor waiting for her sandals. They no longer fit. I should have measured her feet!
Kelly is in Dog Heaven now but will never be forgotten.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Christmas Memories
When the sons were young, we always baked sugar cookies and decorated them. One year I made a double batch of dough (lots!!!) so each would have lots to work with. We just started rolling the dough when friends called asking if they wanted to go tobogganing. Ok, Mom now made the cookies!
Also, think of Mom at Christmas. She would make an armies worth of cookies, cakes and squares. Each of her 3 got a loaded deli tray of goodies. Bless your heart, Mom!
Monday, December 1, 2008
We're Done!
There's something about sitting by the tree, tea in hand, that just warms my soul - or maybe it was my hot bath:) Anyway, a few things to put away and that's it.
Tomorrow, we have a special guest coming for tea/coffee - I guess that starts our Christmas celebrating. On the weekend is a "live" manger put on by a large church - hopefully my man will agree to go.
Somewhere in the maze of days, I have to cook and bake! I love Christmas - but I need a maid!
Hope everyone had a good day.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Still Laughin' After All These Years - Story #1
We didn't lock our cars in the "good old days". B. had completed her shopping, loaded groceries in the car and sat her ample bottom down.
He wasn't all that polite (per B.)- "What are you doing in my car???!!!"
Never one to back down, B gave it right back to him - "This is Jean's car!!!"
He pulled out his registration to convince her. As she told me the story, I was rolling hysterically. Being the creature of habit that I am, I always parked in the same area. That particular day, the lot was full so chose another one.
That unfortunate guy had the same model, color Toyota I had - too bad for him.
Anyway, RIP, B. You were a real character and I hope you don't mind if I post the occasional story of our friendship!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Yesterday, a flag man was directing traffic while they painted lines. I pulled up, stopped for his sign, smiled and waved.
Eventually he allowed us to start moving again. Just as I got to exit road, remembered we had Rx's to pick up so there I was again, smiling and waving at him. The look on his face was precious.
I read his mind to pass the time, "Weird old bat, can't make up her mind."
"Can, too!!!" I yelled as I drove away.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Temporarily - - -
Thank you for your patience and support.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Weird and Wired
I have a car, home, food in the fridge and clothes on my back. I have to give up this worrying. Why do I worry about every little thing?
Used to ask my man, are you worried about "---"? "No, you do it for me."
Got up a half hour ago - woke up, thought of something and had to think (worry) about it. Am I the only one who does this? It doesn't change anything to worry.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Friday, November 14, 2008
Our guests left early this morn so I started bringing Christmas stuff up - it's kind of "like Christmas" to see it all ornaments again:)
We're to get snow today, so our deck lights will have to go up first. We both love blue lights and he especially enjoys them.
If you think I've started too early, at least I waited til after Remembrance day!
Happy Friday, everyone.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Saturday, November 8, 2008
A Smile
The above a quote from president-elect Obama's news conference.
Neighbor - - - or Angel?
No way could we dissuade her from helping. Now she has run to the store for us as this effort was a bit too much - we need to rest, then bathe.
Neighbor or angel - - -
Thursday, November 6, 2008
I Am Not Impressed - - -
They are boarding on some of our ski hills - brought back great memories. The 4 of us would ski one day every weekend. Hubby and older son were "off" skiing powder. Mom and younger son were trying to master the bar to get up the bunny hill - "Please, please, stand up. No, no, no, don't sit down." (Read:promptly sat down)
"Oh, well, we'll just take our skis off and trudge thru those bushes and sit on our bums and slide down the bunny hill. Yes, this is fun. I didn't want to ski that mean ol' medium run anyway. Really."
Oh, really, you want to try again -okkkkk - - -it is only 2:30pm, run is open til 4pm:)
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Congratulations to Barack Obama
Obama is an excellent speaker as well. As a Canadian, I hope the chosen man will do wonderful things for the great country of the USA.
The people have spoken - - -
Monday, November 3, 2008
Winter's A Comin'
He is also clearing the garden - if it doesn't snow, he'll put down landscape cloth and bark mulch. If It snows, we'll wait til next spring.
My snow shovels were in the furthest corner of the garage so I pulled them out - yuck. How long til spring?
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Keepin' Fit
One August evening the family invited us over as he and his family were heading back East to get settled before training camp.
Until that time, I didn't realize how hard these fellows work all summer - to keep fit and therefore retain their team position.
He drank half a bottle of lite beer and announced he was off for a run. Now, mine would have been to the mail box or whatever - after he left, his father told us he did a 15 mile, hilly circuit. Hurts my knees just thinking about it.
One more point, he and his wife were so absolutely down to earth, his children were fun and he had a big German Shepherd to watch out for them when on the road. The dog was down to earth, also, as once he dug a hole in my garden:)
Halloween Happiness
We met many new people, all so interesting. Guest ages ranged from "in the womb" to 70's.
At 10:30pm we said our goodnight - the hostess called next morn to say the party lasted til 2am!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
I'm Sick - - -

I must be a si*ko. This cartoon cracked me up, not for it's subject but by bringing back memories of our sons. They are taller than I, of course. If they ever used my car, they'd jump in, whack their knee on the steering wheel and "mention" how close I had the seat pulled forward. "Well, duh. I have to reach the gas pedal, Dear." If I had been a bit swifter, I'd have watched out the window to see the show of pain.
Anyway, this cartoon gave me a laugh - probably this happened to me, also.
Physio Melting or Mellowing - - -
Each week he became more personable, maybe more comfortable with me - and I warmed to him.
He knows my man has AD as our first visit was a bit of a turmoil for my Man. Anyway, each subsequent visit, the physio asked me about "me" - how was I coping, what is happening, you have to care for yourself, make time for your exercises, no excuses.
Today, he went over the same basic conversation and I looked up at him and said, "Are you OK?" There was a sadness in his eyes today.
No, isn't. Turmoil in his life, also, of a different nature but still, it's there. I tried to comfort him.
We never know the burden another is carrying.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Great Neighbors
His truck was smack in the middle of our drive, he's on his cell, I'm off in lala land, deep in thought.
"Hope my truck's not in the way??" To be honest, I really hadn't noticed. They are so sweet, it's an unspoken rule, do whatever and if I have to "get out" I'll let you know. He has mowed my lawn, leveled my side drive, used drive to store soil, etc. It is always left better shape than before.
And-----we're invited for dinner tomorrow. People like this are so special. And, she brought home made pear mincemeat over today. Yum!
Bless you both and thanks for keeping an eye on us, too.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
The Easter Egg

I've mentioned before, we live in a rural area with houses down one side of our road. There's never any action - almost never.
Our local newspaper designated our route "rural" so won't deliver said paper to our step - we need a box at the end of the driveway.
This morn I looked out as far as I could see in either direction, coast was clear. Jumped into my gardening clogs, threw my purple jacket over my yellow jammies and ran like the wind - straight into the arms of 4 charming, well dressed women, "out for a walk, right". Well, they were not in PJ's so that's well dressed in my world.
"Hiiiiiiiiiii," they said as they checked me over. "We've never met you before (so let's prolong this agony a bit for you). Also, maybe others will come along and see you, too. I'm Sandi, this is Fluffy, Mitzi and PJ, oops, sorry, but that is her name."
"Nice to meet you, I'm Humiliated."
I walked toward the door in, praying I'd not trip on a hose or something. Looked down at my yellow Capris, with popcorn design material - doesn't get any more awful than this - I don't even want to read the paper now.
Then I remembered! "I bought these in Vegas. they're White Stag, you know!" They couldn't hear over the chuckles.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Break - fast

They held their cereal bowls, spoons at the ready, bananas partially peeled, ready to be devoured - tummies growling, faces scowling, lab slips ready.
I think the tech enjoyed asking each one when the last "anything" was had - various responses - one being 11pm - kind of chuckled to myself at that - no, wasn't me!
Have to confess I dashed home for my first cuppa asap - tastes good.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Anyway, an hour plus later I look like someone else - and feel like someone else, also.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Hope first born is not reading this - I think I give him fits with my "computer expertise". He is always very calm but I wonder about that throbbing vein on his temple - - -
Anyway, God is teasing us with wonderful sunny weather, He better not be a joker and send a load of snow "just for fun" one of these days.
I've always wanted a creche for on our front lawn - we postponed building it til the builder could no longer build. Does anyone have one?
Sunday, October 19, 2008
No Laughin'
This afternoon is sunny and mild - S&R are coming out to help hang our Christmas circle at the front entry. We did it Nov 1st last year and froze our fingers off - so, no laughing when you read this.
I'll post a pic once I light it and get it ready for St. Nick. If I'm lucky, I'll get the back decks rail lights up tomorrow - that's a killer job as I use twist ties to secure them - when it's cold, very difficult. I think there's 80 ft. of lights to secure.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
For various reasons, I am not able to put together a post of any quality - usually I'm so gabby I have to rein myself in. Lots going on in our world: hubby and I (ongoing, of course), friends, family.
Have to say one thing, "Do it". Whatever you want to do, whether with friends, spouse, etc. Do it.
Busy week ahead, some good busy and some not so good busy times. Looking forward to visitors again in Nov. (we loooove company). Christmas is kinda just around the corner and we intend to make it the best ever - better start cleaning again.
Anyway, if I have a flash of brilliance, I run with it but so far, nothing. Hope all is well in your world. We're hanging in.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Weighin' In - - -
Before I weigh myself, I remove my eyeglasses, hair clip and it goes without saying, my clothes! Then I take a deep breath but let it out before I make the magic leap onto the scale - no use weighing air, is there?
Was thinking about this as I weighed this morn. Obviously wayyyy too much time on my hands:)
What Not To Do - - -
Now, it may have been partly my fault for not putting the light on but !!!!!!!!!!
I'm dreamin' of turkey dinner so am going to take a frozen one out and sometime about 5pm Sunday, it should smell pretty good in our kitchen.
Oh, and did I mention it's pouring rain today - when am I going to get that final cut of the lawns done!
This is one lame post but considering my state of mind:)
Monday, October 13, 2008

The highways will be busy today as most people head home, stuffed with turkey, ham and pie:)
Our company just left - their drive is over a high mountain pass so hope the roads are good.
We had a ham dinner one night and "turkey and the trimmings" at S&R's last night.
In all the turmoil, one still has to be thankful for a lot - including food on the table.
Happy Thanksgiving from our home to yours.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Lost Credibility
Fast forward to March and I told R to cut down the string/tennis ball which was to show me how far I could pull into the garage - without dinging something. All has been going along fine til today - I pulled up too close and touched a laundry hamper sitting in front of my car (don't ask, another post). It has a metal back so groaned loudly when struck.
He just looked over and smiled at me - "Honestly, I really didn't put that big ding in the gyproc."
I will never be believed now.
Just a Bunch of Garbage:)

It's always interesting to have "garbage day" roll around - seems our neighbors all roll their containers out about the same time - then it's chat city!
Often, one hand dragging the container and other around a leash with their dog(s). We trade news and views, even the dogs chat, I hear them - no, really, I'm Ok. Buddy watches with envy from his window.
Today is sunny and warm - I sat out for a few minutes, enjoying the warmth. Soon will be gazing at white stuff in our driveway.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Where Would You Start?
Read a story online about a fellow who wanted to be a "chef" but not "start at the bottom".
Dear, friend, to be a chef, you do start at the bottom and remain there til you prove you deserve to move up one wee degree in the hierarchy.
Son finally a chef with his papers - after 7 or 8 long, long years, he has worked his way up to the level just below a sous chef position. It's a long, hard road with crappy hours, like starting at 4am, but if you're good and persevere, you'll crawl up the ladder - slowly.
BTW, congrats, Son, on making it.
Friday, October 3, 2008
I'm Just So Busy - - -

What to do, what to do? I am watching/listening to a lot of baseball, giving advice to the pitchers & back catchers, disagreeing with the umps - basically very busy.
Now, I have a problem looming on the horizon - I believe NHL hockey starts first of the season on Oct., 9th.
Then we're looking at the CFL payoffs - I need more hours in the day. Do I tape a game, do I just watch highlights on the news?
What to do - - -
Do I just forget sports and take up needlepoint?
Out of the Dark Ages - - -
Our computer son suggested I use Google calendar, that was maybe 2 years ago - so I'm slow but getting there:)
Anyway, I love it! Well, like it. Google and I have issues. At first, my mind would look at the page and think "that's it" (like a paper daytimer) forgetting one could scroll down to see the important appt. lurking just out of view. Came close a couple times to missing an appt. then I remembered to scroll.
Now, I need to either find my ancient Palm Pilot or buy a new device. Sigh - - -$$$
Thursday, October 2, 2008
I Shake my Head in Wonder - - -

So, Steve Fossett's light aircraft has been found in the rugged mountains.
If there can be peace for his family and wife, Peggy, I hope this helps. Read some very cruel and cutting comments suggesting he "disappeared". Hopefully not, but could we let this family deal with the new, raw grief - just for a bit?
My dear man was a pilot and he knew the mountains waited to snatch their next victim - there is no forgiveness - flying a plane into a chunk of granite.
Often times the 4 of us would be ready to fly out on a day trip, he'd check the weather and cancel our trip. My face would be the longest but sure enough, a system was moving in and I soon realized he knew when to go but more importantly, when not to. Thanks for keeping us safe, Sweetheart.
Canucks break tradition, NHL rules, in naming Luongo team captain

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Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Boo - Hoo, Don Cherry

Also, see the happy, smiling faces, see them! I love them and if I could, would give both a big hug - but not you, Don. No hug for you.
I guess you realize Captain Luongo is the smiling fellow on the left and coach Alain Vigneault is the one on the right.
Fergie - Bless Your Heart!

This is the greatest picture I've ever seen of Sarah.
Tonight I read an interview and comment by her and it made so much sense.
"Food can become a reason for celebration. And the reason for everything. But it's not. Food is simply a vehicle to get us from A to B."
Way to go, Fergie, and I apologize for all the rude people who put you down when you most needed the support.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Monday, Monday - - - and Missy the Duck
A friend picked us up to go walking by "our lake". What a day, beautiful and mellow with a warm breeze.
Took pictures, got a couple reflections I like. We had one little tame duck who visited with us, hoping we had treats. One end of the lake was full of minnows. I tried to capture a huge, long spider web with my digital but, Santa, I need a more powerful lens:) I'm going to check but not sure if it will show.
We have named her "Missy" - she was so cute and trustful.
Hope everyone is enjoying their Monday.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008

I was sitting here thinking about all the bloggers I have met in the last 2 years. Eventually, each one is a friend, ones I check on and care about. If he/she doesn't post for a bit or seems "off". I worry or at least wonder if everything is Ok in their world. Most of "our gang" lets each other know they may not be posting for a bit - that's good, at least we don't need to worry.
Lately, I haven't been able to express myself and my posts are pitiful. When Life throws me a curve ball, I take it personally - kind of like being hit by the pitch and wondering if it were on purpose. Did the Manager of the other team tap his temple twice, rub his left nostril and pat his belt buckle sending a sign to the pitcher to hit me or at least "throw it hard inside"?
When pitches like this occur, one gets timid and overly cautious - the whole point of the mind game. My Dad used to tell me it was important to rush the guy with the puck so he'd see 240 pounds of muscle coming and maybe give it away, not wanting to be the victim of a hard check.. Good lesson, Dad. I'll pretend I'm you, play defense, go after Life, check it into the boards til it resounds thru my life.
Anyway, bear with me as I get my blogging bearing again. Nothing major but I saw that crazy manager gesturing again - here comes another pitch, inside - just enough to throw me off my Game.
Just as in baseball, think I can read his signs - therefore be a bit prepared to brace myself.
Happy Friday to all. Weekend coming up for those of you still doing the 9 to 5. (As if I need to remind you!)
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
An elderly gentleman who attended also, needed info, so we traded phone numbers. As luck would have it, he was pulling his wallet out (for piece of paper) as our local R*mp drove by - Oh, great, he'll think I'm a lady of the night, well, afternoon.
Anyway, the patrol car slowed. Looked at my 86 year old new friend and at me, "Naw." He carried on with his day:)
Monday, September 22, 2008

Our park, within the city, has lots of bears enjoying the berries before their long winter nap.
I see so many people running on the paths and kind of worry about them - but, of course, that's my job. I worry for and about everyone and everything.
Anyway, so far no attacks in town but lots of bears in yards, especially at the higher elevations. Hey, that's us!
No problem, I'll send Buddy, the cat, after those bruins.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Fall is in the air - - -

So, cleared the garden and pots on the entry steps. Cut 3 lawns, weeded the garden resulting in 3 recycle bags of "stuff".
Our temp was 20 (70) which is just about perfect for us.
Our dear neighbor brought home canning over tonight: jars of pears and hot salsa, yum. We had pears for dinner but will let the salsa sit for several weeks.
My plan is to put landscape fabric over 2/3 of the garden and cover with coarse bark mulch. When we sell, the next family can either sod it in grass or plant a large garden as we have for years.
Something I have to do next week is wash the windows I can reach off the decks - not a favorite as I seem to always get streaks.
I Swiffered the walls in the bedrooms and kitchen tonight. Was surprised there was barely any dust - now the furniture will be another story. I don't do spring and fall cleaning, just work away at it all year round.
What are you up to?
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Matchsticks - Ike's Revenge
Monday, September 15, 2008
So, as all my regular readers know, privacy is my utmost concern.New readers, (especially knowing us personally) please do not use names, towns, provinces, etc. in regard to us. This blog has been happily left open but one slip and it's password city.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
The Harvest
Plums, pears and peaches - all have to be processed.
We live in a rural area - houses on our side of the street and orchard
runs along the other side.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
We Give Thanks - - -

Our motto over the years has always been, "The more, the merrier." We love having house guests and folks over to visit and eat.
So, imagine our delight to hear Dan and Neil are coming for Thanksgiving. Wayne is really pleased.
Ok, taking reservations - one room spoken for, 2 to go. We promise too much food, too many laughs and yams (!). The dining room table seats 8 easily and 10 in a pinch - plus we have other tables.
Have to go now and plan my meals for the big event. Anyone have a special recipe to share? I copied Nancy's apple pie for one of my desserts.
From my blogging friend - - -

Ok, I've got to be clear that (1) I'm a Canuck so can't vote for either and (2) usually, maybe never, post anything political but this license plate made me smile.
Now, would someone please send me a pic from the Obama side just to prove that I play no favorites:) 9:16pm had to grab one from my blogger friend.
I'm really looking forward to the next weeks as I follow the US pre-election "stuff" - our politicians are at it, also, but so boring in comparison.
Friday, September 12, 2008
4 Tbsp. flour (plain, not self-rising)
4 Tbsp. sugar
2 Tbsp. cocoa
1 egg
3 Tbsp. milk
3 Tbsp. oil
3 Tbsp. chocolate chips, optional
(This can serve two if you want to feel slightly more virtuous.)
***And WHY is this the most dangerous cake recipe in the world? Because now we are all only five minutes away from chocolate cake any time of the day or night!!!***
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Y'all come visit Canada now, OK?
VICTORIA, British Columbia — Salmon fishermen are no longer throwing fish guts on shore for black bears around Port Renfrew, British Columbia after one climbed onto a dock, jumped into a man’s boat and mauled him.
“All the bears in Port Renfrew are pretty docile,” said Fire Chief Dan Tennant. “They’re more afraid of people than people are of them and normally turn and high-tail it when they see people."
He said he first thought the bear attack call received by his department and an ambulance crew was a “miscommunication.”
“But sure enough when we got on scene there was a man who had some deep lacerations on his right shoulder and scratches all over his body,” said Tennant.
The man was conscious and in shock, but that his wounds did not appear to be life threatening, he said.
Authorities said the man, 52, was a resident of Saltspring Island and was airlifted by helicopter to a hospital in Victoria, about 70 kilometres east of the community.
Gordon climbed onto a dock before jumping into the man’s boat and mauling him.
Witnesses told him it was difficult to get the bear off the victim.
”Individuals that came to the aid of the victim used a combination of (fishing) gaffs, knives and a hammer to remove or pull the bear off the victim,” he said.
The man’s friends managed to kill the bear, said Tennant.
The area is popular with recreational fishermen seeking salmon, halibut and groundfish and there are a “couple of hundred” boats tied up at the marina at any given time.
Tennant said it was not a large bear, but the incident was extremely unusual.“Never, ever have I heard of anything like that here, and I doubt I ever will again,” he said.
He said there have been large numbers of black bear and deer in the area this summer, but there have been no incidents/People have been throwing fish remains on to the shore for years, and that has to stop, he said.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
I'll Be Brief

So, I'm not very computer literate - our older son is a computer whiz and always tells me, "Mom, don't worry about clicking on things and checking them out, you won't wreck anything."
Oh, my dear man, I can wreck anything with the touch of my hand - even looking at it.
The other night I was bored with my desk top so clicked on something - don't remember what - voila, a new folder (?) - something called "new briefcase". Looks nice and I like the color but have to figure out what it does or what it's for - - -
Yes, he got his computer smarts from his Dad, not his Mom.
(Computer son gave me a cool laptop case from a now defunct IT company. I may just get a rusty old tin,computer case from defunct company and sit on the sidewalk downtown - heard you can do well begging in the business section:)
Oh, don't get your shirt in a knot - I'm just kidding (that I'm kidding).
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Does it hurt to - - -
We traveled mountain roads year round - thru high Rocky mountain passes.
One return trip, we hit black ice, rock face on other side of the road and a glacier lake on mine.
We did a donut on the hairpin curve. I was in the passenger seat and as our car swung toward the rock face, I remember leaning as far over toward the steering wheel as I could - all the while looking at the rock - wondering, "Does it hurt to die?" We spoke no words. No time.
Still can't believe a semi or other vehicle didn't round the corner as we sat partly in the shallow ditch, partly on the road. They would not have been able to see us in time to stop.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Blending in - - -
Anyway, I was not impressed and Buddy knew it - he hopped off right away.
Just like little children who will try to get away with things.
Wise words - an email from my sister
Ever wonder about the abbreviation A.S.A.P.? Generally we think of it in terms of even more hurry and stress in our lives. Maybe if we think of this abbreviation in a different manner, we will begin to find a new way to deal with those rough days along the way.
There's work to do, deadlines to meet;
You've got no time to spare,
But as you hurry and scurry-
In the midst of family chaos,
'Quality time' is rare.
Do your best; let God do the rest-
It may seem like your worries
Are more than you can bear.
Slow down and take a breather-
God knows how stressful life is;
He wants to ease our cares,
And He'll respond to all your needs
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Happy Birthday, Robin!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
School days, School Days - - -

Yeah, kids are back in today - I think they are:)
I always loved the first day back for our sons - it was half a day and we'd go to Ear*'s restaurant for pizza to celebrate.
If we were lucky, Dad could join us.
Hope everyone had a safe and successful day - and got the teacher they wanted!
I just remember, the first day in Grade 1, I got my butt smacked with a corn broom as I leaned over to talk to my best friend. My teachers name was Mrs. Ashton and I thought she was one mean momma from that moment on.
Monday, September 1, 2008
A Big Day - - -
Anytime now, chain saws will be buzzing - I will miss the trees, especially the apple. When Wayne built our deck, he wrapped it around the apple tree. We ate many breakfasts out there on the weekends (while working) and enjoyed it's shade in the summer by the pool.
On a happier note, it's a gorgeous, fall day for September 1st!
Sunday, August 31, 2008
I Discovered the Reason - - -

Just take a look at this cartoon - I think she hit the nail on the head (phrase spoken as the mature person that I am).
We are all looking forward to fall - could it just possibly be 'cause we can pack our shorts and bathing suits away and hide out under layers of clothes again???
The only thing about it, we have to frantically start getting in shape come spring again.
For some reason, every July/August, I get the urge to exercise and get fit - maybe cause I know Santa's visit is just around the corner - if I knock some off now, bring on the dressing and mashed potatoes!
Friday, August 29, 2008
So I'm Bugged - - -

Wayne has been sick for 5 days and I thought I had escaped - sigh - - -
As long as I only have a bad cold and sore throat, I can deal with it - a 'flu would be another story.
Anyway, my brother mentioned getting some Co*d - FX into me right away.
That stuff works miracles. My throat is still sore but a lot of my congestion and runny nose is a thing of the past after one day!
So, CFX - I love you and highly recommend you - something I never do.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
You can laugh or cry - - - may as well laugh(From Bro')
When I was younger I hated going to weddings.
It seemed that all of my aunts and the grandmotherly types used to come
up to me, poke me in the ribs and cackle, telling me, 'YOU'RE NEXT'.
They stopped that crap after I started doing the same thing to them at
Scary Anger - - -
I slipped my hand over my car door lock, hoping he didn't see it and didn't jump out of his car to approach the guys in his lane. He was driving a hot little silver sports car and looked so handsome and well groomed.
Wonder what his home life is like - I guess, I mean hers. Keep safe.
Please -
Update: 10:23pm - surgery went well.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Potfull of Memories - - -

Bought a small jar of Nivea Creme - travel size. As I opened it last night, a cloud of memories escaped.
Years ago, about 13 years of age, my friend and I would get into her Mom's toiletries. A good sized jar of Nivea creme was always on the dresser - probably about an 8 ounce size. I remember smearing it all over our faces. We would be totally "white" - look at each other and laugh - then wipe it off with tissues. (Hope you are well, Faye.)
It was a nice thought to go to bed on -